The Bisexual Umbrella - who do we welcome in the Bisexual Community?

Sunday is our next EVENT!
It's at a new location, 2nd floor of Victory Pointe Arcade and Cafe!
We'll be meeting 2-5pm, this Sunday, January 15th.
Oh hey, also, there's a facebook group now.

The most common question I get when telling people about BiPGH is:
But, would I be included in a space for Bisexuals?
Yes all non-monosexuals!

Here's what's going on in the Bi community when it comes to defining bisexuality:

Prominent Bi-Activist Robyn Ochs head of BRC and leader at BiNet
Defines bisexual as:
"The potential to be attracted – romantically and/or sexually – to people of more than one sex and/or gender, not necessarily at the same time, not necessarily in the same way, and not necessarily to the same degree.”

Others have defined Bisexual as:
"Attraction to genders the same as my own and different than my own."
Though this definition may not be as easy to identify with for everyone, as we perhaps may not be attracted to our own gender, or perhaps may not identify with having a gender ourself, so this definition may be more limiting for some.

My favorite book on the topic of bisexuality, BI FAR, is the same author as made the below adorable little umbrella.  
She goes into great detail in this book about how even just the word BISEXUAL has such power as a revolutionary term that people fear it.  The book is a wonderful progressive and inclusive tome, with extensive sections on the intersectional experiences unique to other identities that can be held simultaneously to bisexuality.  She looks at the unique intersections of bisexuality with identities including transgender individuals, POC, religious minorities, as well as the unique differences in the experiences between cis men and cis women, and looks in great detail at how those identities affect lived experiences related to bisexual stigma and biphobia.  I highly recommend the book, and I bring it with me to each event where it will be available if you'd like to flip through.

Her definition of bisexual is:
"Anyone attracted (sexually, romantically, or otherwise) to people of more than one gender, or to people of similar+different gender, and who identifies as bisexual+."
(I really LOVE that this includes OTHERWISE in the attraction-type specification, because yes, we definitely include folks on the Ace/Asexual spectrum, too.)

Here is that Author's Bisexual Umbrella!  Can you find yourself here?

I am non-binary (they/them, please), I am dating a trans woman, and we both identify as bisexual.  Bisexuality is a MOVEMENT, a group of activist, a powerful ally, and in joining with the bisexual movement you can identify in whatever way best suits you.  You, as a non-monosexual, are facing struggles unique to this community, including: monosexism, biphobia, erasure, sexualization, stereotypes, and stigma.  You are welcome under this umbrella.  We are stronger together.

Much love!

Do you want to contribute content for Bi Pittsburgh Blog?  We're seeking contributors!  Send us a message at the BiPGH facebook page with your ideas!
