February 3rd Sunday Event Announcement

Good afternoon all my lovely bi-babes, dudes, and everyone in between! Love to all our non-monosexuals of all stripes in Pittsburgh!

We have another event up, the usual 3rd Sunday.
---Now at Victory Point Arcade and Cafe at your request!
---Now scheduled for 4-7pm at your request!
Click here for the event posting in Facebook!

Don't forget to join the facebook group to be the first to hear about what's going on in the Bisexual Community of Pittsburgh.

Fun fact!  The "Mother of Pride" Brenda Howard, who along with Silvia Rivera and Marsha Johnson (Both trans women of color), founded the Pride March as an anniversary to the Stonewall Riots.  At the time of Stonewall, arrests for attendance at gay clubs was printed the next day in the newspaper, and people could legally be fired for being in such a location.  We commemorate standing up for the right to live our lives!

Get out the tissues.  Brenda Howard is #StillBisexual and her husband, who survives her, is here to tell us about her amazing Bi-Activist life!

Bi Highlights - ever wonder what came before us in the bisexual movement?
Here's all the date-set details: http://www.binetusa.org/bihistory.htm

Remember, Bisexual Umbrella is #YES ALL NON-MONOSEXUALS!  Please join us for the upcoming event.


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