We're "BI"-Monthly! Volunteer for second meeting

We have a new event to add to the schedule, making us twice a month, which makes us "BI"monthly... isn't that adorable?

Lyndsey Sickler has very generously volunteered to create a second Bisexual event for us!

This one is:
First Friday
Get all the glorious details right here!  (That's a link to the event, by the way.)

Need to know where PERSAD is?  It's in Lawrenceville!  You enter the parking lot via the driveway opposite 53rd street from Butler Street.  They have free Parking, free attendance, and an amazing space!  From the street, you'll be pulling in to the driveway shown in this picture.  The entrance is on the left of the main parking lot, straight ahead.

PERSAD, 5301 Butler Street, Pittsburgh, PA

And hey, while were're at it, why not learn about a whole bunch of famous out bisexuals?  The ones the media keeps describing as straight or gay depending on who might be on their arm, but they totally keep telling everyone they're bi?  All these fabulous people!  And tons and tons more, too. <3

Don't forget to like the page and join the group for all the updates and latest news!


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